Sunday, July 3, 2016

Salted Egg Yolk Chicken...

Assalamualaikum wbt dan salam manis utk semua...dah semakin hampir kita menyambut Syawal, dan semakin ramai juga yg dah pun pulang ke kampung halaman masing2..Insyaallah kalau tiada aral, Liza pun akan pulang ke Kelantan ptg ni,semoga perjalanan kami sentiasa dirahmati dan dilindungi Allah swt....Aamiin

Berbalik pada menu kali ni, ari tu Liza ada terbeli telur masin yg btl2 masin, xsanggup rasanya nk mkn..jadi, dpd dok membazir n buang, maka terjadilah lauk ni..cari punya cari terberkenan la dgn resepi dr SINI...terima kasih ye pada tuan punya resepi, mmg sedap n bhn2 pun sng...


2 pieces chicken breast – remove skin and fat and cut into 1” chunks
½ tsp salt
Dash of pepper
1 egg white
½ cup cornstarch

1. Pat dry chicken with paper towel. Mix chicken with salt and pepper. Then put in egg white. Marinate for an hour. Coat the chicken pieces with cornstarch.
2. Deep try chicken until golden brown. Remove and drain oil on paper towel.


2 Tbsp butter
2 sprigs curry leaves, remove from stem, leaves only
1 red chili – sliced thinly
2 cloves garlic – finely chopped
3 salted egg yolks, steamed and mashed
2 Tbsp evaporated milk
1 tsp oil
1/3 tsp salt
½ tsp sugar

1. In wok, on medium heat, put in oil and butter. When butter has melted, put in sliced chili, garlic and curry leaves. When they are fragrant, put in mashed egg yolks, with spatula, try to flatten the yolks into the oil and cook until it look bubbly and fragrant.
2. Turn heat to low and put in milk, salt and sugar. Turn heat to high and cook until very bubbly. Put in chicken and toss until well coated. Dish out and serve.

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