Thursday, November 16, 2017

Sourdough Wholemeal Ciabatta...

Bila anak2 suka makan sandwich dgn roti ciabatta ni, maka Liza pun buat la lagi...tapi kali ni Liza campurkan dgn tepung wholemeal dan doh tu Liza bahagikan pada 6 ..

100 gm active sourdough starter
185 ml water
5 gm salt
15 gm olive oil
250 gm bread flour + more for dusting - ( Liza guna 180gm bread flour + 70gm wholemeal flour )

- mix all the ingredients in a mixing bowl, mix until well incorporated..the dough is soft n sticky
- cover the bowl with plastic wrap n let the dough rest at room temperature for 2 hours until risen with surface is dotted with bubbles ( Liza perap 3 jam sbb suhu sejuk)..
- place the bowl in the fridge overnight 7 - 10 jam ( Liza ltk pkl 7.30pm dan keluarkan pkl 6.30am - lbh kurang 11 jam )
- flour the work surface n turn the dough out. Sprinkle the dough with a little flour n gently punch down the dough to deflate it.
- flatten the dough n fold it into thirds
- flatten it again n repeat to fold the dough into thirds from the longer side.
- shape the dough into rectangle
- cut the dough into 3 equal pieces using pastry scrapper
- place on a baking tray., cover it with plastic wrap n let the dough rise at room temperature for 1-2 hours until doubled in size.
- preheat oven at 220C n bake for 15-20 minutes until ciabtta is light brown in colour

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