Friday, June 27, 2014

Apam Balik Crispy....

Buat lagi apam balik crispy ni utk sekian kalinya...bila dah berulang2 buat tu, faham2 sendiri la kan..

Tak de idea pulak nk citer, hihihi...jomm tgk resepi yg Liza ambik dr Mamasya ni..


170 gm all purpose flour
100 gm rice flour
30 gm cornstarch
2 tsp double action baking powder- ganti 2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla essence
6 - 7 ozs water
150 gm fine granulated sugar - Liza kurangkan gula, cuma guna 100 gm

120 g melted butter- letak sikit setiap kpg, x letakpun tak pa
150 gm fine granulated sugar - letak sikit je sbb adunan dah manis
1 cup chopped roasted peanuts

Mix all the ingredients together, strain and leave in the fridge for at least 3 hours. (i left it overnight)
Heat a crepe pan or a small nonstick pan slightly. (just hot enough for batter to stick to pan)
Pour in a 4 oz ladle of batter and swirl pan so that batter is coating the edge. Remove the excess batter and sprinkle in some sugar on the pancake.
Cook till the bottom of pancake is golden brown.
Sprinkle with melted butter and then chopped roasted peanuts.
Fold the pancake into a half and leave to cool.(it will be crispy as soon as it gets cold)

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