Sunday, February 17, 2013

Kek Chiffon Jagung Manis Berkrim...

Resepi kek chiffon ni hasil selongkar dapur Sonia, mmg best sgt sbb Liza ni mmg peminat tegar kuih2 yg ada jagung cmni...apa je resepi yg guna jagung mst nk cuba...

Thnx ye Sonia sbb sudi share resepi ni, masa bake tu kan satu rumah berbau wangi....Liza mintak izin share resepi kat sini ye, tp hari ni Liza malas nk translate, so translate sendiri ye,lagipun bhn2 dia pun senang je...


Bhn2: ( acuan chiffon 20cm @ 7 ")
4 egg yolks 20g sugar
50g corn oil
85g self- raising flour
75g sweet corn cream

4 egg whites
70g sugar
1s/t perisa jagung -  Liza tambahMethod
1. Hand whisk egg yolks and sugar till sugar dissolved.
2. Add in corn oil and sweet corn cream, mix well.
3. Add in flour and combine well, set aside.
4. Beat egg whites over high speed till foamy ( 1min for KA mixer at speed 8).
5. Slowly add in sugar, beat till soft peak form (2-3mins for KA mixer at speed 6).
6. Take 1/3 portion of egg white mixture and use hand whisk to mix with egg yolk mixture till light.
7. Fold the balance of egg white mixture into egg yolk mixture, combine well.
8. Pour cake mixture into baking pan and bake at pre-heated oven at 160c for 40min or adjust to your oven as every oven is difference.

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